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Tom Salem Security... Safety First

 Safety is not the absence of  danger, it is the presence of a reliable security firm''
-Abiodun Opawole CPP.
Humans are naturally always going to worry about some few things, daily food, clothing, shelter and security, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs explains this in details. Of all the basic wants of men, only security comes loads of complicated exigencies, where it takes more than natural intelligence to stay safe and secured; while it must also be established that security also comes with feelings, where a sudden sense of insecurity kills faster than cancer sometimes, urgent attention must be given to whatever it is that throws one off balance security wise.
Tom Salem Security Badge

Talking basic security, personal effects aren’t the first factors to be considered, self-consciousness with respect to security comes first, mental alertness to circumstances around and odd signals would help greatly in circumventing security mishaps like attacks, kidnaps and robbery. Personal effects do not have to be expensive before they attract miscreants, as it has often been stated by security experts, whatever a thief sees he takes whether needed or not, the culture of security first remains the natural first aid against cheap theft and robbery.

Security Agent
With the advent of several security companies in Nigeria, even as crime rates rise, one of them stands out with gross professionalism and sense of empathy, a security company that listens, understands and react intelligently, Tom Salem Integrated Security Services, six effective years and counting in the industry, with highly skilled guards, mentally aware and imposing event security bouncers, certified protection professionals as armed escorts, their take on security issues cannot but be taken seriously. A peep into how they do their business and protect Nigerians and foreigners, bearing risks is something they understand to the fullest... to be continued

@Intelligence Republic            

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