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Chiima Nwagwu

Those are the words hope whispers to the soul in times of misery and despair. #Hope

It is what motivates us to persevere into the darkness…to journey onward, despite the obstacles constituting a blockade on the trail of life. #Hope

...Despite not knowing when, where, why, or how our life's narrative will end up. #Hope

It is the reason why that destitute, that has been condemned by life’s vicissitudes and now takes abode beneath the pedestrian bridge is yet to call time on his misery. #Hope

It is the reason why I trudge on daily fearlessly, even before the first crow of the Cock, in pursuit of daily Bread … #Hope

It is the reason why our parents assiduously laboured, brow beaten and with hands still on the plough. #Hope

It is the reason we fail to give up on those yet to reciprocate the love expansively expended on them. #Hope

It is part of the attributes possessed by the Almighty that inspired His ultimate sacrifice, without any assurances that humanity would believe, accept or follow him. #Hope

It is the reason why we tirelessly submit applications, earnestly praying for good fortunes at interviews. #Hope

It is the reason why nuptials are tied. #Hope

It is the reason why you variously seek new knowledge at a cost. #Hope

It is the reason why we hone our skills. #Hope

I dare to say, it is the reason why the seemingly hopeless give up on life, in preference for an early grave. #Hope.

It is the belief that the suicider has that paradise and a life devoid of pain awaits him. #Hope

It is the belief that life on the other side of life is better than this life. #Hope

It is the reason you took a job that comes with a salary that can barely take care of your basic needs. #Hope

It is the reason why coaches make substitutions in matches when the game is not going in their favour. #Hope

In its simplest definition, it is the belief that eventually, Uhuru will make a grandiose entry. #Hope

It is an ingredient for survival, that which we must lay hold of, if triumph, we must. #Hope

It is the materia medica that we must administer to the herbal delicacies of life, that we may be able to withstand and masticate on those bitter sweet things life serves us. #Hope

It is what reassures us. #Hope

It soothes our minds by reminding us that “Life will get better.” #Hope

Life can be suffused with pain sometimes, and extreme pressure and hardship can be experienced and in those times, hope provides us with the strength to conquer misery and despair. #Hope

It whispers to …us, so calmly, yet poignantly “Try one more time” #Hope

Lack of it drives a life into depression, and sometimes existential angst. #Hope

Promise, Hope is like a bright fixed star of it shines aloft and bids us not to despair. #Hope

It never really dies out in the heart of man, it may slumber and hibernate for a while, then wakes up reinvigorated , scanning all its troubles and meets them with a confident smile. # Hope

It is a powerful tool in the life of anyone, and with it, nearly anything is possible. #Hope

Chiima Nwagwu
Prince Ayewoh


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