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In primary school, we learned this as one of the characteristics of living things. We must be able to feel stimulus (pl. stimuli). If certain parts of our body do not feel stimuli, they might 'forget' their primary functions.
Also research 'muscle memory'.

However, this is not a biology class.

If you're a very articulate person, raise your hand. Has there ever been a time you lacked proper words with which to intelligently express your ideas? You were speaking but you knew inside you that this was subpar.

If you're a professional writer/content creator, raise your hand. Have you ever sat at your desk to write a piece and the words just wouldn't flow? Or when they did, they didn't impress you?

Certain parts of our brain are responsible for these gifts. They can forget if they're not being stimulated consistently.

In my teenage years, I never saw movies just for fun. I only saw those that would stimulate the parts of my mind responsible for grammar. I realized this early - "Exposure to an expression of a gift, quickens your own unique expression of that gift".

That is why when you're around a funny person, your sense of humour improves even though you're not repeating their jokes.
This is why when you see a TV show like CSI, you sort of feel more mentally acute.

But this is all random. As high performing individuals, how can you use this intentionally?
Be conscious of how you feel in certain environments and around certain people.
There are people whose style and content of conversation stimulate parts of your brain responsible for your own conversational skills. Find creative ways of keeping them around and regularly meeting up with them.
There are also certain environments that stimulate your mind in ways you never consciously experienced before. For example, I feel a certain way at the beach or in front of a moving body of water. The wheels of my imagination begin to turn in innovative ways.


1. Identify your best mental assets

2. Identify the stimulants (people, places, events, media, literature) that sharpen their acuity

3. Set up a routine that consistently places your mental assets in touch with these stimulants

4. Invest in peace of mind (a post on its own)
Do these and you'll always perform at your desired levels of excellence.
The phenomenal mind knows - "Continued exposure to expressions of a gift, quickens your own unique expression of that gift"

John Obidi

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