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1. If you find a lost driver's license, you can just drop it in a mailbox - The Postal Service will take it back to the right person."
2. MI6 once hacked an Al-Qaeda website and replaced instructions on how to make a bomb with a cupcake recipe

3. Israel has broke 65 United Nation resolutions with no consequences. Iraq broke two and got invaded, bombed and destroyed

4.The television was invented before sliced bread

5. The Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs has found alcohol to be the most harmful drug - Surpassing both heroin and crack cocaine

6.Missing someone causes insomnia. The frustration of being without that person keeps you awake at night.

7.The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet.

8. If you want to quit smoking, go to a sauna for 3 days in a row and you will sweat out the nicotine which will make it easier to quit.

9.The strongest people aren't always the people who win, but the people who don't give up when they lose.

10. The expiration date on water bottles is for the bottle, not the water.

11. Stephen Hawking was told that he had two years to live by doctors back in 1963. Today, he's alive and is 72-years-old.

12. Generally, a woman will only argue with someone she truly cares for. Arguing less occurs when she's less interested.

13. You never really know the true value of a moment, until it becomes a memory

14. When you’re right, no one remembers. When you’re wrong, no one forgets.

15. Despite being an internationally renowned children's author, Dr. Seuss never had children of his own because he was terrified of them.

16. Singapore has the world’s highest percentage of millionaires. One out of every six households has at least $1,000,000 US dollars.

17. Not being able to control your negative thoughts is also a warning sign of depression.

18. Benjamin Franklin wasn't trusted to write the Declaration of Independence. His peers feared he would include a joke in it.

19. When someone tickles you, the laughter is a panic response -- You can't tickle yourself, because your body doesn't sense any real danger.

20. Isaac Newton's "Principia Mathematica" contained a simple calculation error that went unnoticed for 300 years. A college student found it.

21. Leonardo DiCaprio was named Leonardo because his pregnant mother was looking at Leonardo Davinci's painting in a museum in Italy when DiCaprio first kicked

22. Venus is the only Planet that rotates clockwise

23. Contrary to popular belief, Einstein never failed math. In fact, by fifteen, he had already mastered differential and integral Calculus

24. If you mouth the word 'colourful' to someone, it looks like you are saying 'I love you'

25. Poor eyesight (myopia) is associated with higher IQ.

26. Overprotective parents raise the best liars.

27. Thantophobia, the fear of losing someone you love

28. According to a study, thinking about your romantic partner can give you an energy boost.

29. If your house was on fire while you were asleep, you wouldn't wake up. Sense of smell is off when you're sleeping.

30. Be careful when you follow the Masses. Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


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