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Showing posts from July, 2016

The many colours of success

Many Colours of Success We live in a world where money literally means success, where assumptions overrule certainties and stereotyped beliefs instill fears in people. It's a great thing to dream, hope and fantasize, but to what end? Dreams, especially for the undisciplined is a waste of time because it will shift with circumstances and will most likely remain a dream till such person dies, which makes the mortuary the wealthiest abode in human existence. Hope on the other hand is futile without realistic hard work, can be narrowed depending on the size of the expectations but with a recent cliché that most people have adopted which says "expectations bring disappointment"... I wonder what this means. What is success? Outstanding performance at an examination? Marriage at the end of a long courtship? Pregnancy after a long wait? Victory at a highly competitive pitch? Victory at the polls as a politician? Hitting the jackpot at a lotto? Lifting the trophy as a c

Verizon Communications buys Yahoo for $4.8 billion !!!!!

Yahoo We heard of Nokia, EMC, LinkedIn, FriendFeed, and a couple of others being sold, here is another surprise news from the supposed biggest Tech Company, 'Yahoo sold itself' floating on the headline of The New York Times Yahoo, the web pioneer that was once valued at $125 billion now is being sold for less than $5 billion. Yahoo was once the door to the web, but the unforgiving web 2.0 have no mercy for the Internet services pioneers ! While I was wondering what could have gone wrong with  the venerable Yahoo, I recalled that 'Nokia equally did nothing wrong' and LinkedIn definitely have a similar line of quote. Report have it that Yahoo, the Internet portal giant, has been struggling for a decade to find a winning strategy against competitors in search, social media and video couple with pressure from the stake holders. Now it is poised to give up, selling itself to Verizon for a small fraction of what it was worth at its


1. If you find a lost driver's license, you can just drop it in a mailbox - The Postal Service will take it back to the right person." 2. MI6 once hacked an Al-Qaeda website and replaced instructions on how to make a bomb with a cupcake recipe 3. Israel has broke 65 United Nation resolutions with no consequences. Iraq broke two and got invaded, bombed and destroyed 4.The television was invented before sliced bread 5. The Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs has found alcohol to be the most harmful drug - Surpassing both heroin and crack cocaine 6.Missing someone causes insomnia. The frustration of being without that person keeps you awake at night. 7.The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the alphabet. 8. If you want to quit smoking, go to a sauna for 3 days in a row and you will sweat out the nicotine which will make it easier to quit. 9.The strongest pe


1.) GOOGLE - Global Organisation Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.  2.) YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.  3.) WINDOW - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.  4.) COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.  5.) VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Siege....  6.) UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.  7.) AMOLED - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.   7.) AMOLED - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.  8.) OLED - Organic light-emitting diode.  9.) IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity.  10.) ESN - Electronic Serial Number.  11.) UPS - Uninterruptible power supply.  12. HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.  13.) VPN - Virtual private network.  14.) APN - Access Point Name.  15.) SIM - Subscriber Identity Module.  16.) LED - Light emitting diode.  17.) DLNA - Digital Living