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Showing posts from November, 2016


I might be slightly crazy. I do things that people don’t normally do. I see things that people don’t normally see. But no, I’m not talking about seeing ghosts and hearing voices here. I’m talking about following dreams and seeing opportunities. (Duh.) And that makes me slightly — uhm –less normal. Because society is not currently cut out for people who don’t follow the masses.  I bet you really want to do every single thing on this list. But you probably won’t. And that makes me really sad. What would everyone think? Liberation is a path for the brave... let's get started 1|| Call in sick (invent an illness that sounds embarrassing and serious, and you won’t get asked any more questions. . . ) 2|| Hijack someone’s day and take them out for a treat (showing up at your friends workplace in tears and explaining there’s an emergency might get her/him a day off. . . ). 3|| Break up with a ‘friend’. “honey, it’s not you — it’s me”. 4|| Leave the dirty dishes on th